Our Technology
EdgePRO™ Laser
EdgePRO lights the way to a pristine clean with laser-focused precision to help your endodontist remove the bacteria and biological debris from complex anatomy that is creatingthe source of your pain while preserving healthy tooth structure. Many EdgePRO patients report a positive in-procedure experience & post-procedure comfort.

Digital Radiography
X-rays are a focused beam of x-ray particles passed through teeth and bone which produce an image, showing the structure through which it passed. This provides the familiar black and white images that dentists use to diagnose dental disease.
Without an x-ray of the entire tooth and supporting bone, there would be no way to detect decay and/or pathology that requires attention. In our office we use digital radiography which allows us to take x-rays using much less radiation than conventional film x-rays. Using this technology, we are able to take an x-ray of your tooth by using a small sensor which records the image and sends it to our computer. The result is a highly detailed digital image of your tooth that can be enhanced to better diagnose dental concerns and determine the very best treatment for each case.
CT/3D Imaging
The CT scan provides an advanced 3D image which allows us to better visualize your tooth and the surrounding structures. This is technology that was not possible with previous radiographs. As a component of treatment planning for a root canal procedure, three dimensional images can be particularly helpful. A cone beam computerized tomography scan (CBCT) can produce such images, allowing us to better prepare for the procedure, which may be more predictable when this technology is available. These images are tremendously valuable because they offer a more lifelike view than a traditional two-dimensional x-ray does. They can provide a more accurate depiction of the structures of the teeth, including the root canal chambers in the tooth's interior. We can use these pictures to determine if there's anything unusual or unexpected about these structures. With advance knowledge of the root canal's structure, we may be able to complete the procedure more efficiently. It is extremely helpful in diagnosis, retreatment of failing root canals, cracked teeth, multi-canal teeth, dental trauma and other dental concerns.
Sedation can be used when a patient has a high level of anxiety or dental phobia. We are happy to offer several options for our patients to make their dental visit as comfortable as possible. Sedation dentistry techniques enable the patients who might otherwise avoid the dentist to receive dental treatment necessary for a healthy smile. Depending on the extent of the anxiety varying degrees of dental sedation can be utilized.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation:
Nitrous Oxide sedation, also known as "laughing gas" is commonly used to make treatment more comfortable. This sedation is inhaled through your nose, and induces a nice state of relaxation. We tell patients that this is like having a glass of wine (or two). When we are finished the patient breathes 100% oxygen and the feeling goes away, typically allowing the patient to drive home.
Oral Sedatives:
Oral "pill" medication can be given to a patient approximately 60 minutes prior to the dental appointment. Typically we give Valium or Halcion prescription medication for our oral sedation patients. Our intent with the oral sedative is to make you very relaxed. Our patient my fall asleep but the medication does not put you to sleep, like an I.V. sedation might do. You must have someone drive you to and from your dental appointment when oral sedatives are used.
TDO Software
We use TDO Software as it is considered the best endodontic software available. It is used to manage all patient records and information and has comprehensive modules that make our office paperless, a great convenience for our patients and referring dentists. The website integration allows our patients to securely access the site to complete the medical history and consent forms online before their appointment. The software allows our referring dentists to make referral and receive their patients’ reports and imaging through secured HIPAA compliant portal right after the patient is seen. This technology enables us to diagnose and treat our patients more efficiently and to communicate more effectively with both the patient and referring doctor that is secured and HIPAA compliant.